Kentucky House Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

Kentucky House Passes MMJ Bill After Decade-Long Fight

On February 20, 2020, following over two hours of debate, House Bill 136 passed by a 65-30 vote, legalizing Medical Cannabis in the state of Kentucky after over a decade of efforts by activists and legislators alike. This was the first time a medical marijuana bill has been taken up by the full House.

If the bill becomes law, it would establish restrictions on who can have medical marijuana and determine where it can be used.

The bill has a long list of restrictions, including a prohibition on smoking medical marijuana, but will enable Kentucky patients to obtain a prescription for medical cannabis from their doctors.

House Bill 136 “will be the tightest medical marijuana bill in the country” according to Representative Jason Nemes, a republican. More than a dozen amendments were proposed during the long debate in the House alone.

The bill now goes to the conservative Senate where, according to Senate President Robert Stivers, the bill has a very “narrow path” to clearing the Senate and becoming a law.
