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Lanzarote Cannabis Social Club THC Broken Into • Entire Dispensary Robbed

This morning at 4:56 a.m., thieves broke into THC, a cannabis social club on the Spanish Canary Island of Lanzarote, and ransacked the place.

A group of masked burglars crashed through the wall of the next building, gained access inside THC, and looted the establishment. One of the criminals went around with a hammer, smashing the security camera, while others filled duffle bags full of product from the dispensary.

Cannabis products, video game systems, and more were taken from the Lanzarote cannabis dispensary.

Masked thief robs cannabis social club THC’s entire dispensary. Taken from CCTV.

THC Cannabis Social Club on the Spanish island of Lanzarote had all of its dispensary stock stolen. It may have been a planned operation, because the criminals were in-and-out, through a wall, and all.

THC Lanzarote will be closed until further notice.

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