Return & Refund Policy


You may return new, unused, and unopened items purchased from our Website within fourteen (14) days after receipt. Please email us at if you need to return an item.

Account Credit will be issued as a refund for any returned items. You will be responsible for paying the cost of return postage since AudioKush does not provide pre-paid return labels. It may take a few days for your returned product to reach us depending on the shipping method and carrier you choose.

AudioKush will only accept returns and provide refunds for unopened, unused items due to the nature of the products provided on the Website. We cannot accept returns or offer refunds for any Products where the tamper-evident seal has been damaged. We reserve the right to withhold payment until we have received, examined, and approved the returned item(s). The purchase of seeds is final, and no refund will be given. There will be no returns given for germination failure. 

Please include a tracking number with your return shipment and save your shipping receipt as we cannot be held responsible for shipments lost or stolen while in transit. AudioKush will not provide you a refund or exchange without a receipt or shipping confirmation number. We’ll give you an Account Credit that may be used like store credit against a future purchase after we’ve received and processed your return.
