9 (NXPowerLite Copy)

Squash Off Returns to Amsterdam with Rosin Tech

On Sunday, 14th July, we attended Uncle Stoner’s approved Squash Off. This was the second time this event headed to Amsterdam, and the 21st edition of the contest. This time, hash was on the menu, which made this the debut hash edition of Squash Off, creating a nice twist on the event! Ironically, for the 21st edition, they had 21 entries!

Uncle Stoner shows crowd one of the hash presses at Squash Off.

Rosin Tech Products sent Press Master, Harry Pollen from Spain, to run the BIG Smash™. Since hash was the product being pressed, ultrasonic sealed 45u micron filter bags were used.

Rosin Tech’s Harry Pollen precisely places hash filled rosin bags.

Audio Kush was on site for the entire event. We will be posting a few more in depth articles regarding Squash Off in the days to come!
