tourists smoking amsterdam coffeeshop

Amsterdam Is Moving Its Famous Coffeeshops Out Of The City Center

In an effort to reduce “soft drug tourism” the City of Amsterdam is making plans to move its infamous cannabis coffeeshops out of the city center.

In 2012 a pilot project was created by the City of Amsterdam, enabling five coffeeshops to relocate within the city limits.

In November of 2021 Cannacenter Best Friends Zuidoost opened its doors as the city’s newest shop. This new dispensary replaced Best Friend’s Amsterdam Centrum location, formerly located on Huidenstraat in Amsterdam’s De 9 Straatjes neighborhood.


“The idea is that people buy the soft drugs here and then consume them elsewhere / at home. It is therefore expected that customers often come by car. For that reason, 22 parking spaces are provided, ” the city said in a statement.

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