Amsterdam Genetics Spacetry THC-Infused Edibles, Red Velvet Cake and Brownies, Coffeeshop 't Kunsje, Nijmegen

Amsterdam Genetics Spacetry Edibles Now Available In Nijmegen

Amsterdam Genetics award winning Spacetrys like this divine Red Velvet Cake are now available in Nijmegen, exclusively at Coffeeshop t’Kunsje. Other Green Light District favorites including Chocobar & Brownies are also available.

Now you don’t have to travel all the way to Amsterdam to try the 2019 Jack Herer Cup 1st place edibles. Head on over to t’Kunsje today to see what all the fuss is about!

Coffeeshop t’Kunsje is located at Tweede Walstraat 108 in Nijmegen.
