Denver Residency Dipsensaries

Denver No Longer Requires Residency To Open Cannabis Business

Ownership of a Denver marijuana business no longer requires proof of legal residency, and the rest of the state may soon follow.

On July 5, the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses stated that state lawmakers had eliminated the need for the residency verification which had been in place since 2006.

In accordance with Colorado Senate Bill 21-199, receiving public benefits from local governments and municipalities as well as the state was no longer subject to providing evidence of legal residency. The legislation repealed requirements requiring legal presence in the U.S. to qualify for various public benefits on July 1, 2022, and removed the need for state and local benefits.

What Does This Mean For Cannapreneurs?

Denver no longer requires applicants for marijuana businesses to provide evidence of legal residence.

In a statement announcing the change, Molly Duplechian, executive director of Excise and Licenses, said that “Our immigrant community plays a critical role in our economy.” Establishing a business in Denver will no longer be limited by a person’s immigration status. These measures pave the way for immigrants and foreign nationals to participate in the legal marijuana industry.

“We’re pleased to see our state lawmakers end the outdated anti-immigrant requirement that often limited an immigrant’s ability to pursue their dream of starting a business,” Duplechian continues. It is no longer necessary for marijuana business applicants in Denver to provide evidence of lawful residence.

Potentially soon, the state will follow Denver’s example and make it easier for those who aren’t American citizens to run cannabis businesses in the state.

A Current Road Block At The State Level

In order to operate in Colorado, marijuana businesses must first get both a state- and local-level license.

Before a corporation may open for business in the cannabis industry, it must first get approval from the state’s Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED).

In the current version of the MED’s proposed rule changes, the part of the state’s marijuana legislation requiring applicants to submit proof of legal presence or citizenship and Colorado residency has been highlighted in red.

On September 26th, the MED will release the final revised state regulations.

Which International Brands Will Enter The Denver Market?

With so many expansions, what international cannabis business will we soon see in the Denver region?

We’ve already seen collaborations between Green House & Cookies, so we know that Green House has their eyes set on the US market. So will we see a Green House Dispensary in Denver?

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