More than 4 tons of cannabis has been confiscated in Greece, en route to Slovakia.

Over 4 Tons Of Cannabis Seized In Greece, En Route To Slovakia

A container intended for Slovakia was seized in Greece, containing over 4 tons of cannabis. According to Greek police, more than four tons of cannabis was confiscated, concealed in a shipment of commercial cupcake-making machines. The shipment was en route from Lebanon to Slovakia.

The crate, containing three commercial cupcake-making devices, was confirmed to have arrived by sea in Piraeus on April 14. The shipment was due to arrive by rail in Bratislava, Slovakia’s capital, on April 20 after passing through North Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary.

“After careful research, a manhole was discovered on the roof of the tank, which opened up to a constructed storage space.”

Greece’s Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE)

More than 4 tons of cannabis has been seized in Greece, en route to Slovakia.

On 16 April, after collecting intelligence from the DEA, Greek authorities raided the container. Following scrutiny, marijuana was discovered in a shipping container in Greece’s main port of Piraeus. They discovered a hidden secret container on the roof leading to an underground compartment built into a metal tank. An amount of processed cannabis totaling 4 tons and 387 kilograms was confiscated from inside this discrete area.

The estimated total value, approximately €33 million!


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