Peace Bridge Bust 2 Blog Cover Title

Over 8 Million Dollars of Cannabis Seized at Buffalo’s Peace Bridge

Nearly 2 tons of cannabis has been seized at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo, New York. Officers from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) unit confiscated the shipment on August 10th during a routine inspection at the United States – Canada border crossing at the Port of Buffalo. While inspecting the shipment, which appeared to contain lighting equipment, 14 wooden pallet boxes were discovered containing an estimated 3,836 pounds of cannabis. The cannabis was placed in vacuum-sealed bags and then inside of cardboard boxes.

Monday’s confiscation is latest of many seizures by the CBP. “This seizure adds to the steady increase in drug seizures within the Buffalo Field Office. From October 1, 2019 through August 10, 2020, ports within the Buffalo Field Office, which covers 16 ports of entry throughout New York State, have made over 1,500 narcotic seizures totaling more than 27,000 pounds” the organization states in an official press release regarding the events of August 10.

Just weeks ago, 2,959 pounds of marijuana labeled as cement was seized at the Peace Bridge. Prior to this most recent August 10 seizure, this was deemed to be the largest seizure in the port of Buffalo’s history.

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