Blog Cover - Strain Hunters Opens Coffeeshop In Amsterdam

Strain Hunters To Open Coffeeshop In Amsterdam

Strain Hunters by Green House is getting its first Amsterdam coffeeshop. On 18 September 2020 Coffeeshop Strain Hunters opens Singel 387 in Amsterdam.

Strain Hunters started as a documentary series in which Green House co-founders Arjan Roskam and the late Franco Loja sought out rare landrace genetics from around the globe. Through their exciting travel series, which even aired on HBO, they explored various regions of the world, including Morocco, India, Jamaica, and Congo.

What rare and exciting genetics will you find at Coffeeshop Strain Hunters? There’s only one way to find out! Starting 18 September 2020, anyone can visit Strain Hunters at Singel 387 in Amsterdam!

But wait, you may ask yourself, “how can a new coffeeshop open in Amsterdam?”

That’s simple! While the Dutch government is no longer issuing new license for coffeeshops to open, a coffeeshop may sell or gift their license to another party. This is how Amsterdam was introduced to other new coffeeshops like Family First and The Plug.

That is exactly what happened here! Some of you may recognize the address where Coffeeshop Strain Hunters will be located, Singel 387. That is because this is the home of the former Coffeeshop 420 Cafe, which recently shut its doors.

Move over 420 Cafe, there’s a new coffeeshop in town! Strain Hunters by Green House opens its first coffeeshop in Amsterdam. The doors open to the public on Friday 18 September 2020.

Will you be visiting Coffeeshop Strain Hunters in Amsterdam next time you visit?

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