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Super Bowl Champion Rob Gronkowski Partners With CBDMedic

CBDMEDIC Partners With Three-Time Super Bowl Champion, Rob Gronkowski

In March, former NFL tight end, Rob Gronkowski (aka. Gronk), retired from the NFL. The former three-time Super Bowl champion has now partnered with CBDMedic.

Gronk states, “I was not in a good place”. His physical and mental state was in a rough place, which lead him to seek out alternative medicine. CBD was able to expedite his recovery process. “For the first time in more than a decade, I’m pain-free. And that’s a BIG deal!” Gronk states that CBD Medic was an absolute game-changer, therefore he “immediately wanted to be a part of it”. Rob Gronkowski has now partnered with CBDMEDIC.

Rob Gronkownski wishes he was able to use a product like CBDMEDIC while playing football. “I wish I had been able to use CBDMEDIC while I was playing. It would have made a huge difference in my pain management during my career and I know it can help many others who are looking for safe, pill-free solutions to managing pain.”

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