tobacco banned coffeeshops, joint

Tobacco Officially Banned in Netherlands Coffeeshops

Updated June 25, 2020.

Legislation banning tobacco smoking in catering and hospitality establishments means the end of tobacco smoking in Netherlands coffeeshops. As of April 1, 2020, new laws prohibiting tobacco smoking in coffeeshops, bars, restaurants, and venues takes effect. Prior to this new ban, these facilities were able to allow tobacco smoking if it was done in separate, enclosed rooms.

Smoking cannabis with tobacco is a popular practice across Europe, with many users claiming it stems from a need to conserve their stash of cannabis, while others simply seem to prefer the flavor of the tobacco, cannabis mix.

When coffeeshops reopen for seating on the 1st of July, these measures will be enforced. Establishments found in violation of these new anti-tobacco laws will be subject to fines which could reach €450 or more. Netherlands coffeeshops have remained open for take-away purchases only since the evening of March 15, when panicked smokers rushed to the shops after unclear government direction lead to rumors of closures.

During this time, we have observed many shops taking advantage of needing to temporarily close their seating areas to visitors and using this as an opportunity to remodel inside of the shop. It can be assumed these renovations will adapt the shops for the new anti-tobacco smoking laws. The separate, enclosed smoking room, as well as cigarette machine will likely be absent from your favorite shop once the lounges reopen.

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