At a White House discussion on reducing marijuana penalties on Friday, rapper Fat Joe and Vice President Kamala Harris took center stage. Harris denounced it “absurd” that the federal government continues to perceive cannabis as more dangerous than fentanyl. Harris also objected to the federal government’s designation of cannabis as “patently unfair.” Harris asked that the government expedite the examination of its cannabis classification system, which is presently underway.
U.S. regulators are currently debating the reclassification of cannabis. Cannabis is currently deemed, by the United States government as having “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse,” otherwise known as a “Schedule I” substance. The prospective changes would demote cannabis to the “Schedule III.” class of regulated and controlled substances.

Joseph Cartagena, “Fat Joe”, lead a discussion following the address. The panel included Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear and individuals who received pardons for prior marijuana convictions. Beshear was one of the first governors to take initiative of President Biden’s request for governors to pardon minor state cannabis offenses beginning in 2022. The President himself has pardoned thousands with federal cannabis possession charges.
The President has not been silent on the issue of cannabis reclassification during his recent campaign exposures, even mentioning it during his State of the Union address at the beginning of March, an unprecedented move.
Biden also remarked during a recent campaign appearance in Milwaukee that “no one should be jailed for just using and possessing marijuana”.
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