difference between cbd flower and oil

What Is The Effect Of CBD Oil Vs. Flower?

Many factors go into choosing the right cannabidiol (CBD) product for you. One top consideration is the formulation in which the product comes. As you shall find, CBD goods are available in variety of effective formulations. These range from edibles and topicals to inhalable capsules and oral tinctures.

CBD oil and CBD flower are some of the top cannabidiol based products available online. But what are the core differences between these products? Well, that question shall be the main focus of this article. Below is a handy guide to CBD oil and CBD flower, with a focus on the effects of cannabidiol in these formulations.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil refers to oil derived from cannabidiol, the principal medicinal extract obtained from the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol is one of the many compounds in cannabis that hold numerous therapeutic benefits. Such substances are known as cannabinoids. 

While all cannabinoids possess incredible healing abilities, these compounds differ significantly in their overall effects on the body. Some, like CBD, are non-psychoactive, whereas others, like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), contain psychedelic abilities.

What Is CBD Flower?

CBD flower goes by many other names, including cannabis light, CBD bud, and hemp flower. It refers to a flower obtained from the female hemp plant. But why is it called hemp flower and not cannabis flower?

The word ‘marijuana’ is widely used interchangeably with ‘cannabis.’ However, the term also refers to cannabis varieties formulated with high tetrahydrocannabinol potency and relatively low cannabidiol potency. On the other hand, hemp flowers contain significantly high CBD concentrations and low THC strengths.

While CBD flower is produced from the cannabis plant, it has relatively low THC, which is less than 0.3%. CBD and THC are the most popular cannabinoids. That explains why the reference to cannabis’ therapeutic and mind-altering effects tends to focus on these compounds.

What Are The Similarities Between CBD Oil Vs. CBD Flower?

The obvious similarity of CBD oil vs. CBD flower is that both products trace their origins to the cannabis plant. CBD oil and CBD flower also contain cannabidiol’s therapeutic properties. According to research, CBD may treat numerous common diseases. These range from pain and inflammation to muscle spasticity, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and seizures. 

Another notable similarity between CBD oil and CBD flower is that both products affect the body similarly. When consumed, the cannabidiol in these formulations enters your bloodstream through a sophisticated system of receptors and neurotransmitters called the endocannabinoid receptor (ECS). It’s in the endocannabinoid system that CBD exerts its effects. Besides this, CBD oil and CBD flowers are non-psychoactive. These compounds generally won’t get you high. That’s because they both tend to contain considerably low THC levels. 

Differences Between CBD Oil And CBD Flower

  • Existence

Hemp flower is the primary source of other cannabidiol-based products, including CBD oil. Before cannabidiol is available in its diverse formulations, the compound must first be extracted from hemp buds. That makes hemp flowers the most critical part of the plant.

  • Extraction Method

CBD flower doesn’t undergo any extraction process. The compound is simply obtained by nipping fresh hemp buds. On the other hand, CBD oil must undergo rigorous extraction processes. The extraction methods are broadly categorized as solvent-based or solvent-free. Either way, the resultant product is a compound comprising two main ingredients – cannabidiol and carrier oil. Common carrier oils include coconut oil, olive oil, hemp seed oil, MCT oil, and vegetable glycerin. 

Vaping and Smoking is the most common way to consume hemp flowers. Once harvested, hemp buds are dried and then incorporated into pre-rolls. You can also consume CBD flowers by vaping. Experts recommend vaping over smoking since the method doesn’t involve combustion. Therefore, there are fewer toxins produced. To vape CBD flowers, you’ll need a particular vape device called a dry herb vaporizer. Next, dry the plant biomass, crush it and feed it to your vaporizer’s heating chamber, then vape away. 

With consumption methods, CBD oil is the indisputable winner. You can consume the compound by adding it to your regular cooking oil or administering it sublingually (underneath your tongue).

  • Onset Time And Duration of Effects

Smoking and vaping deliver the highest onset time of all the popular ways to consume cannabidiol products. Effects can set in as little as 5 minutes after taking the first puff. For comparison, sublingually, CBD oil may take 15 minutes to enter the bloodstream. And if ingested, the oil may take as much as three hours to kick in. Therefore, you’ll generally experience the benefits of cannabidiol in hemp flowers sooner than you would in CBD oil.

  • Potency

CBD oil tends to be more concentrated than hemp flowers. That makes it more potent and underscores the importance of consuming the compound according to your physician’s instructions. But while hemp flower is the lesser potent option, the substance generally delivers more excellent therapeutic benefits. That’s because it’s unprocessed and hence contains a maximum amount of beneficial plant extracts.

Final Word

Both CBD flower and CBD oil contain cannabidiol’s healing properties. But as we’ve established, the compounds differ considerably in how they affect the human body. When processed and administered correctly, CBD oil will deliver more therapeutic effect.

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