Women Grow

Women Grow Goes North To New York State

What is Women Grow?
Women Grow connects, educates, and empowers diverse leaders in all segments of the cannabis industry. Together, we’ll start over 1,000 women-owned businesses in the marijuana industry. Founded in 2014, Women Grow is now the largest national network of cannabis professionals with Monthly Events for women & men across the US & Canada. Our popular Speakers Bureau ensures diversity at industry events and in media coverage. And no matter where you’re located, you can access our Video Education series. We model corporate responsibility by fulfilling a social mission in a for-profit structure. But supporting women goes far beyond altruism! Women make 80% of healthcare decisions and even consume more alcohol by volume than men. Female consumers will dominate cannabis purchasing in the same way they already control 85% of consumer spending. The inclusive teams creating marijuana products & services that women love will rise to the top as the end of marijuana prohibition occurs on a national scale. (taken from https://womengrow.com/)

Next month Women Grow goes on tour to Upstate & Western New York! You can visit Women Grow at one of the follow dates/locations.

Women Grow – Upstate, New York – Pop Up Tour
October 9th 2019 – Brown’s Brewery, Albany – 6pm-9pm
October 11th 2019 – Natur-Tyme, Syracuse – 5pm-8pm
October 12th 2019 – TBA, Rochester – 12pm-3pm
October 13th 2019 – Sativa Remedy, Buffalo – 12pm-3pm

Let’s help Women Grow to achieve their goal: “creating Women in Cannabis communities across all of New York State”. This series focus’ on Full Spectrum Cannabis Education. Full Spectrum extraction is preferred for medical benefits over Isolate extraction, as it contains the entire plants cannabinoids, terpenes, & flavonoids, opposed to just CBD. During the educational session expect to learn about the NYSMMJ program, legalities, and potential opportunities. Industry experts will be available at every date to answer any questions.
