The Netherland’s Wietexperiment (“Weed Experiment”), is set to begin in 2021. At this time, the cannabis shops of ten Dutch municipalities will be under governmental supply and observation. The Dutch government is currently looking for experienced cannabis cultivators to legally grow cannabis to supply the coffeeshops for the duration of the Wietexperiment.
At this time, Netherlands Coffeeshops are licensed to legally operate, but receive their products on the illicit market. A goal of the Wietexperient is to reduce criminal activity while monitoring the quality as well as supply and demand of the coffeeshop’s cannabis. The Wietexperiment will run in 10 Dutch municipalities: Arnhem, Almere, Breda, Groningen, Heerlen, Hellevoetsluis, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Tilburg, and Zaanstad for four years, with a 1.5 year extension possible.

The preparatory stage of the Wietexperiment begins in July of 2020. Over this next six month period, approximately 10 applicants will be selected to grow cannabis for the Dutch Government. The 5-part application includes sections requiring information regarding:
Part 1: Company & Contact Person
Part 2: Cultivation Location
Part 3: Cultivation Plan
Part 4: Business Plan
Part 5: Security Plan
Interested applicants can apply online through the Rijksoverheid. The deadline to apply is 28 July, 2020.
The growers are to responsible for the quality of the hemp produced and will be required to get their products tested prior to distribution.
The Wietexperiment is set to become effective in 2021.
79 Coffeeshops will be effected by this policy.