spanish social clubs reopen

Spanish Cannabis Clubs Reopen

Spain is easing COVID-19 restrictions and Spanish cannabis social clubs have begun to reopen.

Social club members are finally able to access dispensaries for medical and recreational use once again, after several months of closures. Cannabis was deemed to be non-essential in Spain at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak and dispensaries closed for several months, despite public outcry.

The shops will reopen in many cities across Spain on May 25, under the nation’s carefully phased recovery plan. Under the initial phase of the plan, members wishing to attend a social club must follow the following rules:

→ Masks Required: Masks are required for all patrons and cannot be removed while inside the dispensary. Masks must completely cover the mouth and nose.
→ 10 Member Limit: A maximum of 10 members are allowed in the club at once.
→ 20 Minute Maximum Stay: Members may stay in the club 20 minutes maximum.
→ 2 Meter Social Distance: Staff and patrons must keep a safe social distance of 2 meters from one another.

As of July 1, Spain will be welcoming back foreign tourists in an attempt to jump-start the nation’s economy.

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